Presentation of the book: Geopolitics - Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later


The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES)


in the framework of the cycle "Europe and the World"


cordially invites you to the presentation of the book of





Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later


on Tuesday September 15th,  2015, at 16.00,

in the  »Lev« hotel, 13. floor, »Grad« hall, Vošnjakova 1, Ljubljana.


The book "Geopolitics – Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later," written by Anis Bajrektarević, professor of international law at Vienna, presents a unique view of geopolitics in the last 100 years, and of our future. The book discusses Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East and other current geopolitical topics. The author is one of the leading geopolitical analysts of global trends, and specialists for Asia.


The content of the book will be discussed by:


  • prof. dr. Anis Bajrektarević, author
  • prof. dr. Ernest Petrič, former Slovenian ambassador to the United States and Austria, expert in International Law and International Relations, former President of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia, and member of the International Legal Committee of the United Nations
  • prof.dr. Milan Jazbec, Professor at the University of Ljubljana, and former Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Turkey


The book »Geopolitics Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later and other foreign policy essays« (»Geopolitika Evropa Sarajeva 100 godina poslije i drugi spoljnopolitički eseji«) was published by »Dobra knjiga« from Sarajevo in 2015  both in English and Bosnian languages.


The presentation of book will be held in Slovenian/Bosnian language, moderated by Zijad Bećirović.


Live Stream:   


Please take your seat at the hall at the latest by 15.55 h.


Attendance is free, but we ask you to confirm your presence by phone at (01) 430 15 33, or by e-mail at




Ljubljana, September 8th, 2015