
  • The EU's view on the protectionist policies of China and the US
  • Formation of a unified European army of 27 EU member states
  • With Britain's exit from the EU, France is the only nuclear power in the EU
  • Turkey is becoming the first power in the Mediterranean at the expense of France
  • Has Israel achieved any "victory" in Gaza?
  • Why did Ireland, which tasted the bitterness of occupation and famine, and Spain become the harshest critics of Israel in the EU?
  • What do the results of March 2024 local elections in Turkey say? Will the Justice and Development Party (AKP) manage to rise again?
  • Political battle in Turkey after local elections - Erdogan's political future
  • Wars in the Middle East since the beginning of the 21st century the most violent and bloodiest in the world - a comparison with the region of East Asia in the second half of the 20th century
  • The Arctic: an area of ​​conflict between Moscow and Washington
  • Russia and the redefinition of its foreign policy
  • Israel and the UN - difficult relations despite an ideal start
  • The Gaza War: Iran's strategy to avoid direct conflict with Israel and the US
  • Important turning points in US-Israel relations
  • Ben Gurion Canal one of the targets of the war in Gaza?
  • The G20 summit in New Delhi in September 2023 and the announcement of the India-Middle East Corridor (transport link from India to Europe)
  • Expansion of Turkish influence in Africa
  • Somalia and Djibouti - Turkey and strategic military presence in the Horn of Africa
  • The possibility of Donald Trump's victory and the concern of European leaders
  • Land routes to connect the East with Europe - Iran's role in controlling the world economy
  • Strategic patience in Iranian politics
  • Houthi attacks in the Red Sea – reshaping the international maritime trade route: Morocco the biggest winner, Egypt the biggest loser
  • The role of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East
  • China's military presence in the Middle East and US rules of engagement
  • Why Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are not part of the "Guardian of Prosperity" naval military alliance
  • Legal legitimacy of Yemeni operations in the Red Sea?
  • The impact of see straits (contributing about 16% of global GDP) on international trade
  • The Western Balkans and the European integration process
  • "Bulgarization" of the Balkans
  • Migration as a threat or an opportunity for prosperity
  • Mass emigration from the Balkans to Western Europe
  • The phenomenon of crime, corruption and nepotism in the Balkans
  • Institutional inaction in crises
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: Facing the past
  • NATO – a factor of global (in)security
  • Ukraine: are there conditions and possibilities for ending the war?
  • Russian influence in the Middle East and the Balkans
  • Elections to the European Parliament in 2024
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: partnership of domestic and international criminal structures
  • Competition between "Sorosoid" and "Orbanoid"
  • European perspective of the Western Balkans
  • The phenomenon and reality of Euroscepticism
  • Constructivist and instrumentalist abuse of religion and politics
  • The role of Serbia and its policy in the Balkans
  • Non-Aligned Movement between myth and reality
  • Can international law respond to modern challenges?
  • Geopolitical shifts – losers and winners
  • The Albanian national question - situation and perspectives
  • Perception of "Catholic" Europe
  • The Vatican and its role in contemporary international relations
  • Struggle for supremacy between "sovereigntists" and "globalists"
  • Open Balkan – an opportunity for the future?
  • The role of Slovenia in the Western Balkans
  • "Catholic" moment in the positioning of Croatia in international relations
  • Germany and its role in (de)stabilizing the world
  • The trend of decreasing French influence in Africa
  • "Putinization" of Europe
  • Iraq – situation and perspectives
  • Morocco and the role of King Mohammed VI. in geopolitical turmoil
  • Shiism as a spiritual and political reality
  • The phenomenon of "soft" power
  • Consequences of the "Abraham Accords" between Israel and some Arab countries
  • Afghanistan – situation and perspectives
  • Urbanization of south-eastern and central Europe
  • State and perspectives of Vojvodina?
  • Greek-Albanian relations - situation and perspectives
  • New logistics corridors – source of conflicts and new alliances
  • Competition for influence in the Pacific
  • Islam – situation and perspectives
  • Judaism - situation and perspectives
  • The beginning or the end of multiculturalism?
  • ICTY – messages for the future
  • Russian foreign policy in Central Asia
  • Central Asia - the latest focal point in the rivalry between Washington and Moscow
  • Exploitation of natural resources and reserves owned by Central Asian countries
  • State and perspectives of tourism in Kyrgyzstan
  • Sports diplomacy
  • Kosovo: precedent or practice in international law?
  • Effects of US OFAC administrative sanctions
  • The future of the EU
  • China's domestic and international challenges
  • British foreign policy after Brexit
  • The phenomenon of "Taiwanization"
  • UN reform
  • Religious fundamentalisms and the modern world
  • The Cyprus issue
  • Globalization – status and perspectives
  • Montenegro as part of NATO or the "Serbian world"?
  • Macedonian return to the past?
  • Ecumenism
  • Regional initiatives in the Western Balkan
  • Future of Ras Alkhaim's emirat (UAE after the illness of Emir Saqar alQasim)
  • New Turkey's role in the Islamic world
  • The Middle-East conflict: Turkey from the mediator to the party in a conflict
  • Greece is not a problem – Germany is Europe's main problem with its high reserves and low expenditure
  • The presence of Israel in the Nile Delta: May Egypt be left without water?
  • 62 years after the creation of Israel: Jerusalem is still the focus of dispute
  • Vatican – Israel: the property of the Catholic Church remains the focus of dispute
  • Sanctions against Iran – an encouragement to the regime to finish the nuclear weapon programme
  • Iran's opposition is similar to Iraq's one: waiting for the occupation of Iran
  • Border dispute between Lebanon and Syria
  • Syria: the factor of (in)stability in the region
  • Iraq's oil industry and the prospects for Iraq to become the largest oil exporter in the world by 2015
  • Slovenia's foreign policy and late arrival in the Middle East
  • Slovenian army in ISAF: fighting or supporting units?
  • Egypt's destiny after Mubarak's death: Will Egypt be the next Sudan?
  • Kuwait in a vicious circle of dispute between the government and the parliament
  • Is it realistic that the small Qatar with its gas dollars becomes an important mediator in resolving various disputes in the world?
  • Privatisation of the war/wars
  • 2008 parliamentary election in Slovenia
  • European Parliament election 2009
  • Serbia's influence on the events in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Social and political presumptions of the constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2010 presidential election in Croatia
  • Iran –Israel: war or peace?
  • Independence is realised – new goals ahead of Kosovo
  • Professional diplomacy: yes of no?
  • 2009 parliamentary election in Albania
  • Integration process as support to stability and security in the West Balkans
  • Macedonia and its Euro-Atlantic prospects
  • Iran – the factor of (in)stability in the Middle East
  • Victims supporting the criminal
  • 20 years of Milo Đukanović's regime?
  • Local elections more important than presidential elections for the Albanians
  • 2010 parliamentary election in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2011 local election in Albania
  • 2010 local election in Slovenia
  • 2008 parliamentary election in Macedonia
  • Srebrenica 1995 – how to help the victims of genocide?
  • Early election in Serbia 2008
  • 2008 presidential election in Montenegro
  • 2008 presidential election in Serbia
  • Is Milorad Dodik connected with criminal structures?
  • Reform of the Obligations Act in Kosovo
  • Does Bosnia and Herzegovina need the Office of the High Representative?
  • 2006 referendum on the adoption of new constitution in Serbia
  • Politisation of crime and criminalisation of politicss
  • 2003 early parliamentary elections in Serbia
  • 2004 parliamentary elections in Croatia
  • 2004 presidential elections in Serbia
  • 2004 parliamentary elections in Kosovo
  • 2005 parliamentary elections in Albania
  • 2005 presidential elections in Croatia
  • The future of the political right wing in Slovenia
  • Carinthian Slovenes - an element of (dis)integration between Slovenia and Austria
  • 2004 parliamentary elections in Slovenia
  • 2006 local elections in Slovenia
  • Montenegro's independence – 2006 referendum as the final phase in the process of gaining independence
  • 2006 parliamentary elections in Montenegro – confirmation of Đukanović's regime?
  • Serbia's armed forces reform
  • Montenegro – regime or democracy?
  • 2006 general elections in BiH – The victory of (non)nationalists – In which direction is BiH heading?
  • Kosovo heading for independence
  • 2006 Parliamentary elections in Macedonia
  • Implementation of Albanians' rights – an indicator of Macedonia's success in accessing the EU
  • Kosovo: the position of minorities in the Kosovo society and the possibilities for their recognition
  • Kosovo's economic capacities as the contribution to independence
  • Should Slovenia interfere in or merely advise on the resolving of the Balkan issues?
  • Jews (Sefardi) as a part of the traditional Bosnian society
  • Security systems of Balkan states and their conforming to the EU's requirements
  • Ties between the political elite and criminal structures in the Balkans
  • Trafficking in drugs, human beings and weapons through the Balkans
  • Parliamentary elections in Croatia 2008
  • Albania: "Ukrainisation" of the state?
  • Politicians in the Balkans – "hostages" to intelligence services?
  • Slovenia: the position and rights of minorities from the former Yugoslav republics
  • Slovenia: the phenomenon of "erased" (non)citizens
  • The possibility for de-tycoonisation of the Balkans?
  • Vojvodina: Serbia's federal unit or an independent state in the future?
  • Regionalisation of Montenegro
  • Police reform and constitutional amendments – key issues for Bosnia's accession to the EU
  • The Western Balkans between Europeisation and Americanisation
  • 2007 presidential elections in Serbia
  • Implementation of the project of local self-government in the Republic of Slovenia
  • 2007 presidential elections in Albania
  • 2007 presidential elections in Slovenia
  • Afghanistan: Victory of the defeated or defeat of the victors?
  • Christianity as the factor of integration or disintegration between Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  • Caliphate – salvation or false hope for the islamic world?
  • Islam between the secularisation and reislamisation
  • Is there hope for a dialogue between Islam and the West, i.e. Islam and Christianity?
  • Turkey on the way to EU accession or establishment of its own integration?
  • Turkey: civil control over the army or deviation from the EU
  • The Caucasus between the stronger Russia and the increasingly present USA
  • Iraq – victory or trap for the USA?
  • Iran and Saudi Arabia – allies or enemies?
  • Russia's strategic interests: presence in the Persian Gulf and the Adriatic Sea
  • Who "ordered" the conflict between the Shiites and the Sunnites?
  • Kurdistan: region or state?
  • Pakistan: Al-Qaida's supporter or enemy?
  • Quatar: an open society or an illusion?
  • The Middle East: a place for the USA and Russia power games
  • American transformation of Iran and Syria from the "axis of evil" into the partners in resolving the current situation in Iraq
  • Lebanon between the government and Hezbollah
  • Hamas and Fatah: common interest or conflict?
  • Hezbollah: a liberation movement or a terrorist organisation?
  • Syria: a peace factor or supporter of conflicts?
  • Palestinians between the autonomy and own state?
  • Possibilities for establishing the Arab Union (AU) on the model of the EU?
  • Saudi Arabia - reforming the monarchy or escalating the terrorism
  • The Arab League Organization facing reform or abolishment
  • (Announced) Political reforms in Syria
  • The new OPEC in light of the new political and oil alliance among the two largest oil producers – Saudi Arabia and Russia
  • Turkey between the EU and the U.S.A.
  • The victories of Al-Qaida in Iraq after the defeat in Afghanistan
  • Al-Qaida – the Trojan horse of the Iranian conservatives
  • The New Road Map for Palestinian refugees (reparations, transfer, repatriation to established zones)
  • The water wars of the Middle East
  • Who is going to win the fight over regulation of the Middle East: the Pentagon or the State Department?
  • Serbia – a factor of stability in the Balkans or not?
  • Kosovo – a part of Serbia or an independent state?
  • A proposal to solve the Kosovo question – local self-rule and establishment of the institutions on the Kosovo level
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina – a proposal for transforming the existing state structure
  • A proposal to solve the opened political questions in Montenegro – chances for the existence of Serbia and Montenegro state community
  • Integration processes in the Balkans region and contributions of particular states
  • Character and experience of American intervention in the Balkans and the possibilities to use the experience in the post-war structuring of Iraq
  • Proposals to enhance economic cooperation and connections in the Balkans
  • The Albanian question in the Balkans
  • Non-conflict strategies to solve conflicts
  • The Serbian and the Jewish question in Croatia
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Slovenian economic and political breakthrough in the Balkans
  • Custom reforms in Montenegro between market economy and smuggling
  • Croatia in territory wars with neighbors
  • Macedonia as a factor of (un)stability in the south of Europe?
  • Investigating connections of the Milosevic era business "tycoons" with the present-day political and criminal structures in Serbia and the Balkans
  • The Role of USA in Resolving the Conflicts in South East Europe
  • The Selective Return of Iraqi Refugees to Iraq
  • The Possibilities for the Cohabitation of Different Civilisations and Cultures in the Area of South Eastern Europe
  • The Dayton Peace Agreement as a Model of Resolving Modern Conflicts
  • The Influence of Christian Churches on Solving the Palestinian Problem
  • The Issue of Kosovo – Different Attitudes of USA and Europe
  • Macedonia – the Prospects of Cohabitation of Macedonians and Albanians Based on Equality