The November terrorist attacks in Istanbul were not an example of classical attacks aimed at collapsing the political and economic conditions in a state. The Istanbul attacks were so to say multipurpose and struck several targets at the same time. In other words: the terrorists sent several bloodstained messages to several addresses in Istanbul - the USA, Great Britain, Israel, NATO, EU and Turkey as the scene of dreadful acts.
Communication is the lubricant of every society. Communicative interaction explains political behavior and preconditions any lasting communities of integration as they rely on: »a matter of mutual sympathy and loyalties; of ‘we-feeling’, trust, and mutual consideration; of partial identification in terms of self-images and interests; of mutually successful predictions of behavior, and of cooperative action in accordance with it-in short, a matter of perpetual dynamic process of mutual attention,...
The elections were carried out in Croatia on Sunday, 23 November 2003. HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union), once presided over by Franjo Tudjman, which advocates the national values and sovereignty, won 66 seats in the 152-seat parliament.
The very ability to competently and convincingly communicate in international and diplomatic relations can importantly compensate the shortcomings in physical capabilities and potentials of small states, like Slovenia.
In November 1995, a peace agreement was reached in the American town of Dayton which stopped the four-year war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The war started in April 1992 when Sarajevo was under siege and shelled by Karadžić's Serbian forces aided by the Yugoslav national army after the citizen's referendum was carried out on the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina and after the state was internationally recognised.
The collective resignation of the presidency of the Serbian Democratic Party (SDS), unsuccessful attempts by the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) to replace the government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the signing of the agreement called »the Platform for Program Co-operation« by the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Party of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), the Socialist Party (SP) and the New Croatian Initiative (NHI) in November 2003 represent the new political reality...
The announced demonstrations of the opposition to be held in Banja Luka on 23 March 2004 raise concern among the leading structures which are aware that they did very little during the past two years to improve the economic and social situation in RS (the Republic of Srpska) and BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
For the past sixty years, since the army of the Great Sultan Murat I defeated the Serbian army at Kosovo polje in 1389, the Balkans, especially the part which has been lately referred to as the West Balkans, has been the site of conflicts, revenges and wars with a wide global effect. In this very region of Europe, the First World War started, important battles fought during the Second World War and bloody conflicts took place in the last decade of the previous century.
The pre-election campaign is underway in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the October local elections and probably also for early parliamentary elections. The conflicts between political parties continue. The political combat is especially intensive between the leading national parties (Serbian Democratic Party, Party of Democratic Action, Croatian Democratic Union).
After thirteen months of occupation, the situation in Iraq is difficult. The state is in the process of transition from the totalitarian to a democratic system. The situation is still under control, but it is deteriorating and power of control is weakening, especially with July 1 approaching when the power is to be handed over to the Iraqis.
Turkey’s European Union membership is a major transformation project encompassing the whole of Turkish society. Now the long-standing Turkey-EU relations are at an important turning point since in December 2004 the EU will give its decision concerning the launching of accession negotiations.
The article is brief analysis of an atypical situation in development of internet technology applications in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s market, in comparison to the European environment and in also, in comparison to other modern communication technologies. The most descriptive example taken for this brief analysis is incomparable development of mobile telephony and ratio of mobile telephones users and Internet users.