

Kosovo: War leaders to leave the political scene?

The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses events in the Middle East and the Balkans. IFIMES has prepared an analysis of the current political situation in Kosovo in the light of the early parliamentary election scheduled for 8 June 2014. The most interesting sections from the analysis entitled “KOSOVO: WAR LEADERS TO LEAVE THE POLITICAL SCENE” are given below.


Reforming the Universal Organization

For an EU pairing of diplomatic charm backed by the reluctant use of force to be effective, however, Europe’s diplomats need to rediscover how to work the UN’s corridors, and the EU needs to become a more imaginative leader of UN reform. If it is to put its faith in a UN dimension to its foreign policy, Europe needs a UN that can deliver.


Egypt - A Cairo Letter: Egyptian Presidential Election to Yield No Surprises

The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) from Ljubljana, Slovenia, regularly analyses events in the Middle East and the Balkans. It has analysed Egyptian Presidential Election (26-27 May 2014). The most interesting sections from the analysis entitled “Egypt - A Cairo Letter: Egyptian Presidential Election to Yield No Surprises” are published below.


Europe must drop the “one-size-fits-all” model

Today, it is not only politicians who have run out of arguments for sticking with the “one-size-fits-all” euro, but most economists too. With the eurozone getting stuck in recession, and the total number of Europe’s unemployed reaching a new record of almost 19m people, there are hardly any economic arguments left in favour of the euro.


The implications of Turkish crisis in the domestic and foreign policy

Erdogan and Gulen, the "student" and the "mentor" respectively, have become enemies. Gulen who lives in self-imposed exile in the US has created an international movement, the Hizmet. It means “the service” and promotes a tolerant form of Islam, by emphasizing in the education and the hard work. Hizmet attracts millions of followers in international level and its members have infiltrated in the Turkish bureaucracy, the Police, the Justice and the ruling Islamic Party AKP.


Latvia: 20 Years to Trade Economic Independence for Political Sovereignty

What happens to a country which suddenly is free to govern its own territory and people? What is the biggest fear?Is it the inability to satisfy its population or a threat from the former conqueror?Should a country opt for the ‘shock therapy’ or experience gradual changes? How to deal with the privatization of state-owned institutions? The following lines objectively question how the well-being of the East-European nation has changed in 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and on the...


Australia: Has an 'out of control' intelligence community compromised 'Australia in the Asian Century'?

Ironically Australia is cutting its foreign aid budget by AUD 4.5 Billion over the next 4 years, while at the same time increasing its intelligence budget. This is not a good message to be sending out to the region if sincere and open engagement is truly sort by the Abbott Government. Asia is judging Australia by its actions, not rhetoric, and there appears to be a massive failure which the Abbott Government must quickly react to, if Australia's interests are to be safeguarded.