

From Delta to Omicron – 2021; year in review

As we near the year end the virus is raising its profile instead of going gradually away. Omicron taking over from Delta, which has been the dominant strain throughout the year. There is concern at the speed at which the variant is spreading, albeit its potency seems to be less. Whatever the first two months ahead would appear to be dominated by the virus. Something like this deadly virus lasts for 3+years. We can but hope that this one can show signs of petering out in 2022.


The triumph of Boric in Chile and the opportunity for a new regionalism

The triumph of Gabriel Boric in Chile is not only a political and geopolitical earthquake in fact is a triumph with high symbolic content in the region: It is the triumph of an alternative political force in the cradle of neoliberalism in the region, the first laboratory of the Chicago School in South America, a market dictatorship and minimum state imposed on violence by Augusto Pinochet in a military coup in 1974 and consolidated as a neoliberal democracy in the 1990s


Unavoidability of Sino-American Rift: History of Strategic Decoupling

Does our history only appear overheated, while it is essentially calmly predetermined? Is it directional or conceivable, dialectic and eclectic or cyclical, and therefore cynical? Surely, our history warns (no matter if the Past is seen as a destination or resource). Does it also provide for a hope? Hence, what is in front of us: destiny or future?


Lebanon 2021: The Geopolitics of Water Series, Part Two: Water Diplomacy to Deal with the Renaissance Dam Crisis

It is clear that water resources have a huge impact on the nature of international relations, especially among countries crossed by international rivers. Any neglect and lack of coordination between these countries inevitably leads to an exacerbation of the conflict over water resources. Hence the importance of a diplomatic solution and joint cooperation, which is the basis for resolving issues, especially those related to water resources.


The Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW): Wishful daydream or Historic milestone?

Finally, the fact that the first meeting of states parties of the TPNW will take place in Vienna is very meaningful as Austria has been one of the leading nations in this process, particularly in drafting the Humanitarian Pledge to fill the legal gap for the prohibition of nuclear weapons, which has been a decisive step towards the treaty that has already fulfilled that commitment.


Lebanon – Quo vadis?

Is it possible that the diaspora come with a political solution that can be successfully implemented? Does the rich Lebanese emigration want to have a country where to return fondly and with nostalgia? Or will Lebanon continue to sink itself into the conflicts without a foreseeable end of the Middle East? To use the title of today’s webinar, I do not see a change for a new beginning in Lebanon. The answer should come from the Lebanese themselves!


2021 Bosnia and Hercegovina: Most brutal attack on truth about Holocaust in XXI century directed and implemented by Milorad Dodik (SNSD) and Dragan Čović (HDZ)

In fact, what we have on scene are the defeated European fascist and pro-fascist hegemonic policies that are currently being united through the SNSD, as the proponent of the policy of Radovan Karadžić (SDS) and Slobodan Milošević, and the HDZ as the genuine proponent of Tuđman’s hegemonic project. Their aim is to undermine the foundations of international law and the legacy of international courts, which had convicted fascist policies that had committed the Holocaust in Europe and genocide in Bosnia


The Future of the EU: One-block or Two-block EU

The Two-block EU is not a good option, neither for the EU nor for the entire world. We should preserve the united EU and do our best that it becomes politically stronger and economically more successful.


The climate debate: Where do we go from here?

The population of the world is expected to top approximately 10 billion by mid-century and slowly decrease thereafter. It will reflect changes in ethnic mix, as Asia rises and the developed world declines in number, albeit this has led in part to the current concern over migration. The ‘comforting’ point is that world population is now approaching its zenith and we can plan accordingly, and not like we have done, or not done, as in the past 60 years. We seem to have been caught nodding off or even sleeping!


Lebanon 2021: Chinese Geo-strategic Expansion in the Levant: A Case Study of Lebanon

As Lebanon situated in a dynamic and complex region, the importance of the Lebanese-Chinese relations is increasing. Beijing has avoided direct involvement in the Lebanese civil war and other internal conflicts; using a supportive attitude to the government and a one-distance approach from all political parties. With China's BRI program, Lebanon can be geostrategic ally, allowing for greater economic ties. Lebanese officials expressed an interest in playing a key role in the project.


JHA Diplomacy Towards the Universal Criminal Justice - 20 Years After

Organised crime is becoming increasingly global, with international networks, and new types of crime appear like those targeting cultural property, the environment, or the counterfeiting of medical products. Therefore, international cooperation is essential, but also the implementation of new strategies to fight crime, such as the confiscation of the proceeds of crime or corporate liability.


2021 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021: Russia establishes its modus operandi in Bosnia and Herzegovina

There are several infrastructure construction projects underway for which it is believe that they could be used in the future as the basis for establishment of a Russian military base in Republika Srpska. On a number of locations in Republika Srpska, the Russian Orthodox Church is establishing its infrastructure, which in many segments reminds of military infrastructure. The respective works are directly managed by the Russian Ambassador in BiH Igor Kalabuhov.